Sunday, October 5, 2014


“Sands of Silence” - The chiming guitars in this song are quickly replaced by crunching guitars that sound like a 100’ tidal wave of crashing metal. This song just knocks you back in your seat, then off it, on to the floor where you hit your head and blackout in ecstasy. This slow tempo song struts along with awesome sonic textures. The layers of notes and elements ,classic of the Grenouer sound, are all here. The band always cranks out songs that are well produced. I highly recommend this band to anyone that likes hard rock, heavy metal or alt metal. The guys in Grenouer do an excellent job of writing and recording awesome material. The guitar tones are to die for, both guitar and bass are lock tight and form a brick wall of sound. The drums on this track are a bit more laid back but move this song in the right direction. While some drummers might take a song like this as an opportunity to show off, here the playing has just the right “spice” to make this track zing in your ears. The vocals are spot on and as soon as you hear them you know that you are listening to Grenouer. These guys just plain rock. This is the band that you want to tell all your friends about. So take a couple of minutes out of your day and run your hands through the “Sands of Silence” and drift away in this magnificent ballad.

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