Sunday, February 22, 2015

Drew Helix, Busting Out the Cage and Looking to Soar High

Caged Birds - Opening with a symphonic number Drew Helix throws down about the American Dream. Up from the Underground sound Drew incorporates a lo-fi backing tracks on the first handful of numbers. With a heavy compression attack Drew’s early cuts have a kind of cool effect when the bass drum kicks. It gives you a stuttering back and forth feel and creates a unique sound with the rest of the elements. The vocal attack on “Hard Knock” comes in with a strong dose of force behind it and makes you feel like he might just jump out of your speakers. A personal favorite stand out track is “No Elevator Music” Drew draws rather well here and the music takes a left turn and has a unique flavor. Overall the vibe on this collection has a rather mid-tempo to laid back feel. While the vocals stand a bit too far to the front for the first few tracks, the mixes from the second half of this release nail it. Vocals are nested right in the pocket and this mixtape really starts to take off. Personally I would have put these cuts more to the top of the list for they shine so much brighter. Not only does the mix and mastering rock but the tracks sound very clean and professional. The approach of “Fly Away” is another hit in the making. While all the poetry slamming on this album is right on Drew might want to stay away from the melodic singing it seems to take focus off what he does best.  With the smooth Jazz vibe on “Bye Bye” Drew rhymes hard in contradiction. Not only does this make for a cool paradigm, but it shows Drew’s talent for see beyond stereotypical rap confines. I would recommend this to those that like Rap and Hip Hop. While Drew might be warning about Caged Birds he takes flight here and shows the ability to only rise higher. 

Music Reviews

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